Rainbow provides CPaaS today, with technology for tomorrow

Xavier Martin

An evolving communications landscape requires evolving solutions. Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ takes enterprise communications into the future.

Today, there are more than 23 billion connected devices and that number is projected to become 75 billion by 20251 远远超过了地球上的人口. 用一些基本的数学知识, it’s clear that a majority of future communications will no longer be between people, but rather they will be initiated and/or terminated by objects. Refrigerators, cameras, bath tubs, strollers, cars, bikes — everything will be connected.

However, one thing that most objects don’t have is intelligence. The ability to connect doesn’t mean objects have the intelligence to make decisions based on the information that has been collected. Connected objects need to be complemented by a platform such as Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) that ensures information will be relayed to the right person, 在适当的时候.


CPaaS is increasing in popularity as industry leaders turn their attention to communication platform opportunities. It is a digital hub that provides connections between people, objects, and applications, enabling all of these components to interact and understand each other. CPaaS is important for your organization to interconnect the components of your business processes and applications, to reduce latency and improve efficiencies in the decision-making process.


The great news for companies that choose Rainbow is that it comes with CPaaS right out of the box. Rainbow offers a next-level CPaaS system with powerful APIs that let you integrate familiar collaboration tools into your own in-house operations. As well, the developers’ toolkit lets you design your own, truly business-critical communications strategy as part of your digital transformation.


答案取决于你的业务重点. 首先也是最重要的, you need to identify the problem you want to solve — which could include, for example, 与客户的数字化互动, 或者提高公司运营水平. Many organizations choose to begin using CPaaS to reinvent their 与客户的数字化互动. 与crm的集成, implementation of chat bots are just a couple of examples of what can easily be accomplished while bringing immediate value to your business.


One of the key factors in a successful CPaaS solution implementation is choosing the right partner. Once priorities have been identified next comes the job of finding partners who can help you reach your goals.

有了Rainbow,你可以改进你的服务, as required, 提供更好的客户体验, reduce decision-making lead times and potentially increase revenue opportunities, while expanding your communications footprint beyond your enterprise walls.

As we traverse the changing communications landscape, ALE is working with channel partners and end-users to navigate their own digital transformation journeys. We believe our unique and comprehensive portfolio can help organizations, struggling to overcome their existing legacy strategies, meet today’s communication needs and innovate for the future.

Learn more about how Rainbow is changing the communications landscape. 或者,今天就免费试用: http://www.openrainbow.com/

Xavier Martin

Xavier Martin

Vice President, Market Development, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Xavier Martin is Vice President, Market Development at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the Solution Marketing and Business Intelligence team for the Communications Business Division. 

Xavier has more than 25 years of management experience in the software solutions industry, including business intelligence and customer service. In 2013, 他出版了《火狐体育手机》一书, a book that explains how organizations can leverage technology and consumer-led transformation to enter a new era of enterprise communications, heralding what it’s nowadays known as Digital Transformation.

Xavier has a Master’s degree in Telecom and Computer Sciences from Supinfo, Paris, France.

About the author

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