

Integrate real-time communication and collaboration into your existing ecosystem with CPaaS to match your industry standards and processes.

The Solution

CPaaS Industries

  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Energy and Utilities

For Government, the goal is to connect citizens, wherever they are and in the safest way. 彩虹有很多认证, 包括ISO27001和hds认证, 这使它能够承载敏感, personal data. But the app itself is secure by design with transparency in its data storage and use.

To add an extra layer of safety, government institutions can explore Rainbow Edge – a private cloud hosting solution that offers three models of hosting for your data.

For Healthcare, the goals are to protect the digital ecosystem from cyberattacks, help healthcare professionals save time and ensure facilities are safe.

在医疗保健中,急救总是优先的. The Rainbow Alert application provides the means to prioritize audio alerts and receive receipt confirmations.

For Education, the goal is to connect students, parents, teachers, school employees and external interveners. This ensures everyone’s safety on campus and helps prevent cyberattacks.

ALE has developed an education platform that recreates the classroom environment virtually, named Rainbow Classroom. 该解决方案已通过ISO27001认证,并符合GDPR标准. 

Always-on protection of a campus can be achieved with Rainbow Workflow. This solution turns connected devices’ data into automatic notifications or action sets.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise accelerates the digital transformation for air, rail, ITS, 世界各地的港口和物流运营商. 我们帮助他们连接他们的 Transportation subsystems with technology building blocks enabling smarter services for their staff, customers and passengers. Today, CPaas technology is vital for smart services development to enhance safety and security, 提高作业效率, 提高乘客参与度.
The Energy and Utilities 工业提供极其多样化的基本服务. 一些组织专注于提取, 石油的生产和储存, gas, electricity, water, mining, nuclear and more), 而其他公司则专注于运输和分销. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise helps these diverse operators accelerate their digital transformation. Today, CPaas technology is vital for smart services development to enhance safety and security, 提高作业效率, 提高客户参与度.

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Today the question is not ’if’ but rather ‘when and how’ digital age communications should be implemented in the global enterprise operational model.



设定业务目标, 确保员工敬业, and understanding the impact on business processes are vital for a successful digital workplace.

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Smart mobility is critical to the smart city and plays an important role in sustainability. ALE技术正在帮助城市实现这些目标.



服务中心以远程会诊提升市民的流动应用, enabling 6,000名医疗保健专业人员优化护理服务.


The ebook describes how CPaaS can help enterprises deliver better customer experiences.

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